Camel Travel Hue office has a green company sign above the entrance and is also known as Yen Thai service company.
Adres: 62 Chu Văn An, Phú Hội, Thành phố Huế, Thừa Thiên Huế, Vietnam
Ninh Binh is de populairste plek om te bezoeken vanuit Hue. Het kost 12 u om er te komen.
U vindt de richtingsaanwijzingen vanaf uw huidige bestemming hier: Chu Văn An, Phú Hội, Thành phố Huế, Thừa Thiên Huế, Vietnam
Go! Huế is 910 meter vanaf Camel Travel office Hue. Vicoland Apartment complex is 1 km vanaf Camel Travel office Hue.