You can find directions from your current location here:, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Cozumel - Any hotel in Hotel Zone 3 is 0 meters away from Cozumel - Any hotel in Hotel Zone 2. Ultramar Pier, Cozumel is 676 meters away from Cozumel - Any hotel in Hotel Zone 2.
Check out the best things to do in Cozumel, Mexico. Explore downtown, the beaches the snorkeling, the museums, the island has it all!
Get ready to set your old impressions of Mexico aside. We share must-know tips on how to take a safe and fun solo trip around Mexico.
Here`s a first-hand review of the Ultramar ferry ride from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel to read before booking your own ride. Spoiler: You will see flying fish!