A beautiful view from within central Cusco-mobile

How to get from
Arequipa to Cusco

Arequipa to Cusco Trip Overview

Distance325 km (203.1 miles)
Price range$24-$37
Ride Duration Range10h-11h
Earliest Departure01:30
Latest Departure02:00

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Travel Schedule Options from Arequipa to Cusco

Taking a bus from Arequipa to Cusco

Fastest bus: 10h

Cheapest bus: $24

The fastest: 10h

The cheapest: $24



English Speaking Staff

Reclining Seats







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A beautiful view from within central Cusco

About the ride from Arequipa to Cusco

There are four ways to ride from Arequipa to Cusco. You can take a bus, train, private car or you can fly to Cusco from Arequipa. The most popular option is the VIP bus that is run by Transzela. There's also a Tourist bus that is run by Oltursa and a 130 Reclining Seats bus run by Cruz Del Sur. 

There's a total of six bus departures leaving Terrapuerto de Arequipa bus station to Terminal Terrestre de Cusco every day. Buses are all very comfortable and designed for long distance journeys such as this one.

The distance from Arequipa to Cusco is 508 kilometers (316 miles). It usually takes buses around ten hours to complete the ride. Sleeper buses are a great way to travel as not only do you get to see some beautiful scenery but you also get a 'bed' for the night.
Buses will usually have plenty of modern features such as USB charger points, air conditioning (blankets are provided) and a shared television. You will also be able to purchase a small amount of food and drink on board. There's also an onboard bathroom.

What to see when travelling from Arequipa to Cusco

When traveling from Arequipa to Cusco by bus it's always a good idea to arrive at the Terrapuerto de Arequipa bus station at least an hour before you leave. In this way you can get your luggage on board and tickets checked without having to rush around at the last minute.

The bulk of the overland trip will be on the Carretera a Yura highway heading north. This is a toll route and you'll make one or two stops along the way to stretch your legs. Service stations offer a chance to buy provisions or just chat to other travelers.

What you'll see when traveling from Arequipa to Cusco depends on when you leave. It's often quite interesting to watch as city streets extend to suburbs and urban outskirts. This is certainly the case as you depart Arequipa and on the approach to Cusco.
One area worth keeping an eye out for is the Salinas & Aguada Blanca National Reserve. This protected park is just outside Arequipa and promises plenty of Andean scenery including the ever-impressive Misti volcano.  
As the route will be at high altitude it's worthwhile getting acclimatized first. Travel sickness and altitude sickness medicine is definitely something to keep close to hand if you've not been in Peru for very long. 
If you're traveling by train from Arequipa to Cusco you'll get a really good look at the surrounding scenery. Unless you're traveling through the night, of course. That said, catching the sunrise as you arrive in Cusco can be an incredible introduction to life at an altitude of over 3,400 meters (11,200 feet).
The same can be said for flying from Arequipa to Cusco. The take off and the landing are the most scenic but on a clear day the Andean plateau below is quite something.

How to get to Cusco from Arequipa

Taking a bus
There are three tourist bus companies operating between Arequipa and Cusco: Oltursa, Cruz del Sur and Transzela. All three provide sleeper bus services with reclining seats. There are usually six departures making the 508 kilometer (316 mile) route each day. 
Buses are modern, air-conditioned and feature onboard bathrooms and televisions. You'll also find free blankets, charger points and a small selection of snacks and drinks. Seats are comfortable and will recline so you can try to get some rest.

Taking a private car or minivan 
Another way to travel to Cusco from Arequipa is by private car or minivan. Drivers will speak English and can point out a few interesting Andean landmarks along the way. Cars and minivans are air-conditioned and seats will be comfortable.
It's a more expensive option than taking a bus but you will get to Cusco in around eight hours as opposed to ten. You'll also have a lot more privacy and can arrange a convenient time and place to depart rather than having to keep to a bus schedule.
Make sure your driver stops several times along the way. Better yet, why not break up the journey from Arequipa to Cusco and stay for a night or two at a little out of the way town? You never know what you might find off the typical tourist trail.

Taking a train 
Train travel in Peru is a real treat. Although a luxury cabin on a train from Arequipa to Cusco can be expensive it's worth shelling out a few extra Sol simply to experience those awesome Andean plains. That said, if you're traveling on a sleeper train you might not actually see much at all.

Think of it as more of an experience than a means of getting from A to B. There will be a dining car, large windows and plenty of room to roam around. There might also be more opportunities to meet local people and chat to fellow travelers. Who knows who you'll be sharing a carriage with!

Taking a flight
If you need to get from Arequipa to Cusco in a hurry then flying is your best option. The distance between the two cities as the crow flies is 324 kilometers (201 miles). This means that you'll be up in the air for around an hour before you make your descent.

Peruvian Air provides a good service between Arequipa and Cusco. Planes are air-conditioned and comfortable. It's an expensive option but it will give you more time on the ground. Also, be careful if you've not fully acclimatized. The Cusco altitude can be a lot to handle in one hit!

Companies Operating from Arequipa to Cusco

Average time

10h - 11h

Average price

$24 - $25


Average time


Average price

$31 - $32


Average time

10h 45m

Average price


Popular stations and stops in Arequipa and Cusco

Departure stations in Arequipa

Terrapuerto de Arequipa

Arrival stations in Cusco

Terminal Cruz del Sur Santiago, Cusco

Terminal Terrestre de Cusco

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