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More about Argoños CA-148 / Travesía Trasmiera

  • Argoños CA-148 / Travesía Trasmiera

    Getting to Argoños CA-148 / Travesía Trasmiera

    The bus stop is located at the CA-148 Road. It is the brown bus stop with the tiled roof. There is "El Parque" bar behind it. Opposite you can see one more bus stop.

    Address:  CA-148 / Travesía Trasmiera, 2

Nearby stations

  • Santoña Av. de Berria Primera Avenida

  • Arnuero Barrio San Pantaleón

  • Noja Los Pinares Park

station location

This company operates at Argoños CA-148 / Travesía Trasmiera

The best places to go from Argoños

Your questions, Our answers

What are the most popular places I can go to from Argoños CA-148 / Travesía Trasmiera?

Heras is the most popular place to go from Argoños. It takes to get there. Entrambasaguas is the second most popular place to go from Argoños. It takes to get there.

What is the best way to get to Argoños CA-148 / Travesía Trasmiera?

You can find directions from your current location here: https://www.google.com/maps/dir//CA-148 / Travesía Trasmiera, 2

What other stations are near Argoños CA-148 / Travesía Trasmiera?

Santoña Av. de Berria Primera Avenida  is 2 KM away from Argoños CA-148 / Travesía TrasmieraArnuero Barrio San Pantaleón  is 4 KM away from Argoños CA-148 / Travesía Trasmiera