Address: Koh Ngai (Koh Ngai Resort) Ferry terminal, C648+5G Ko Lanta Yai, Ko Lanta District, Krabi, Thailand
Koh Muk is the most popular place to go from Koh Ngai. It takes 1h to get there. Koh Kradan is the second most popular place to go from Koh Ngai. It takes 35m to get there.
You can find directions from your current location here: Ngai (Koh Ngai Resort) Ferry terminal, C648+5G Ko Lanta Yai, Ko Lanta District, Krabi, Thailand
In front of Koh Hai Fantasy Resort and Spa is 612 meters away from Koh Ngai Resort Pier. In front of Sea Open Diving is 968 meters away from Koh Ngai Resort Pier.
Miss Thailand? If you’ve got the Covid vaccine, you can visit Phuket from July 1st without quarantining. Here are all the rules at a glance.
The world is too big and beautiful for us to stop traveling and exploring everything it has to offer, so discover how to become a more sustainable traveler.
Digital nomadism is a concept that is often misunderstood. If you can relate to one of these common misguided beliefs, it’s time to reconsider.
By using our simple checklist, you can ensure that you optimise your decision to travel in the most environmentally sound way when traveling by bus.