A beautiful view from within central Da Lat-mobile

How to get from
Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat

Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat Trip Overview

Distance213 km (133.1 miles)
Price range$8-$264
Ride Duration Range55m-9h 10m
Earliest Departure17:00
Latest Departure23:00

Going from Ho Chi Minh to Da Lat can be time-consuming depending on how you want to travel. Taking a plane is obviously the quickest way, but it’s expensive. Trains are very affordable and make regular trips throughout the day. It’s also a very scenic ride. Most tourists love visiting Da Lat for its waterfalls, lakes, food, and parks. It can get very hot, humid, and wet in Da Lat during the summer, but between December and March, the weather is ideal and cool at night.

Travel Schedule Options from Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat

Taking a bus from Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat

Fastest bus: 5h 30m

Cheapest bus: $8

The fastest: 5h 30m

The cheapest: $8



Reclining Seats







The fastest: 5h 40m

The cheapest: $16





Reclining Seats




The fastest: 6h

The cheapest: $121






The fastest: 55m

The cheapest: $55




A beautiful view from within central Da Lat

About the ride from Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat

Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat Route Information

The distance between Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) and Da Lat is 133 miles, or approximately 213 kilometers.

There are 4 ways to get from Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat, including flight,minivan,bus,car.

The earliest departure leaves at 17:00 and has a duration of 7 hours 15 minutes.

The fastest way to travel is by flight, which takes approximately 55 minutes.

Depending on how you choose to travel, the following amenities are available: .

Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat by flight

  • Starting Price: $54
  • 13 departures a day, or 91 departures a week

The only travel class available is Economy.

Each flight ticket offers an individual seat with basic passenger necessities. Conditions and amenities vary by provider. For more detailed information and availability see all options.

Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat by minivan

  • Starting Price: $16
  • 671 departures a day, or 4697 departures a week

There are 5 travel classes for this journey, including: Limo, Tourist, Standard, Luxury and Comfort.

Each minivan ticket offers an individual seat with basic passenger necessities. Conditions and amenities vary by provider. For more detailed information and availability see all options.

Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat by bus

  • Starting Price: $8
  • 947 departures a day, or 6629 departures a week

There are 13 travel classes for this journey, including: VIP Cabin, VIP Sleeping, Sleeping, Economy, Tourist, VIP, Standard, VIP 24 Seats, VIP 36 Seats, VIP 9 Express, VIP 20 Seats, Single Cabin and Double cabin.

Each bus ticket offers an individual seat with basic passenger necessities. Conditions and amenities vary by provider. For more detailed information and availability see all options.

Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat by car

  • Starting Price: $121
  • 778 departures a day, or 5446 departures a week

There are 3 travel classes for this journey, including: Standard, SUV and Comfort.

Each car ticket offers an individual seat with basic passenger necessities. Conditions and amenities vary by provider. For more detailed information and availability see all options.

Companies Operating from Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) to Da Lat

Average time

6h 30m

Average price

$121 - $203


Average time


Average price



Average time

8h - 8h 30m

Average price



Average time


Average price

$129 - $144


Popular stations and stops in Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) and Da Lat

Departure stations in Ho Chi Minh (Saigon)

Tan Son Nhat International Airport (SGN)

Van Lang University

Mien Tay Bus Station (Western Bus Station)

Ho Chi Minh - Any hotel

43 Nguyen Cu Trinh, District 1

View more

Arrival stations in Da Lat

Da Lat Airport (DLI)

Lang Art Cafe

Da Lat Intercity Bus Station

Da Lat - Any hotel

6 Lu Gia (Thanh Buoi office)

View more

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