Travelers, keep the party going with these 7 tips
Party trips combine two types of fun, but also demand that you pay attention to certain things for maximum joy and minimum problems.

Party trips take two definitions of fun and combine them to form one mega entertaining experience. It’s no wonder, then, that so many people plan their trips around the tours of their favorite bands and DJs, or make sure to be in town (or on the island) in time for the next full moon party, holiday bash, and weekend. With this new type of travel comes a list of things worth considering to maximize the fun and minimize problems. Here they are:
1. Keep it authentic
Many businesses will offer to take you on a bar-hopping experience or a special invite-only party. In reality, some of them will end up offering an evening that feels inauthentic and forced. Try to do your own research and find out where people in town actually go when they want to enjoy great music and a good vibe. With a gazillion different social media channels at your fingertips, you’ll easily discover incredible and unique parties that are the real deal and will cost you a lot less. Try this website that’s dedicated to full moon parties in Thailand, for example, and its Facebook page that connects party lovers from all around the world.

2. Get a taste of everything
There are so many different types of parties, and some locations specialize in offering a variety of experiences to match everyone’s style. Party out of the box and don’t just stay in your comfort zone. Go to places you never would have visited back home and use the trip as a platform to expand your horizons in yet another way. Dance to new music, go out at weird hours, dress crazy. That’s what it’s all about.
3. Party with the locals
Travel magazines and blogs have my utmost respect (hey, this is one of them!), but they don’t know everything about the best parties in town. Who does? The locals. If you want to find the most authentic, unique event, just ask the person on the morning train who looks like they just got back from a fun night out. At the party, dance with everyone, chat in a broken version of the local language (learn how to say “cheers!”), and get solid recommendations for your next party and/or destination, which means you may party one night in Bangkok (song pun intended!) and head to a full moon party in Phuket next.

4. Know what to expect
Every city has its own party rules. Some places start the night pretty early and others wait until morning to open the doors. In some cities, arriving on time will save you a long wait in line and in others, chances are you’ll never get in in the first place. One famous example is that of the Berghain nightclub in Berlin, which is known for being super exclusive. Do your research and you’ll minimize disappointments and be better prepared for what your trip location has to offer.
5. Learn the dress code
If you’ve ever arrived at an event and realized that you are way overdressed, you know how awkward it can be. Travel locations have their local dress code that you obviously don’t have to follow (just do your own thing!), but may choose to be familiar with. This is especially true if you are going to a costume or pool party. Ask what the event is all about and if there’s anything you should consider when picking an outfit. Then, do whatever you want and walk in with confidence, no matter what you’re wearing.

6. Stay safe
I know, I know. it’s not cool to talk about party safety, but someone has to. Even the best shindig in the world will be ruined for you and your loved ones if anything bad should happen. Make sure to stay safe and protected no matter what you do, be selective regarding the people you meet and the drinks you consume, and know how to find your way back to your hotel. You can lose yourself in the music and the fun, but don’t lose yourself in the deeper, more dangerous sense of the word.
7. Choose the right company
Music, food, venues, and celebrities can set the background for an awesome night, but the people you’re with will eventually determine whether or not you’ll have the time of your life. Choose the right company to travel with and party with, because together you will create moments you’ll never forget and nights you just can’t seem to remember… Make sure you’re all in the right mood for a party and if not, there’s no harm in parting ways for a few hours and exchanging stories after.
If you’re planning your trip to the Wonderfruit Festival in Thailand, the Epizode festival in Vietnam, or just a spontaneous party wherever you are – this post will enhance your experience. And even if you’re not really the party-animal type of traveler, you never know what the trip has in store for you. A great travel experience, much like a great party, can surprise you and allow you to surprise yourself. Have fun!