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Verlassen Sie Arica oder kommen Sie dort an?

Calama nach Arica

7 Std. 30 Min.von US$20

Antofagasta nach Arica

8 Std.von US$14

Iquique nach Arica

3 Std. 15 Min.von US$10

Santiago nach Arica

2 Std. 39 Min.von US$62

La Paz nach Arica

8 Std. 30 Min.von US$41

La Serena nach Arica

21 Std.von US$37

Coquimbo nach Arica

30 Min.von US$37
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Ihre Fragen, Unsere Antworten

Electricity and socket type

Voltage: 220V, Socket Type: C and L

Internet accessibility

Most regions have excellent internet connections; it is typical for hotels, hostels and coffee shops to have wi-fi.

Are credit cards accepted across the country?


Mentionable public holidays

New Year's Day | Good Friday | Holy Saturday | Labour Day | Battle of Iquique | Feast of Saints Peter and Paul | The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel | Feast of Assumption | Independence Day | Day of the Glories of the Army | Columbus Day | National Day of the Evangelical and Protestant Churches | All Saints' Day | Feast of the Immaculate Conception | Christmas Day

How much does a local transport ticket cost?

800.00 CL$

How much does a dinner at a nice restaurant cost?

15,000.00 CL$

Do I need any vaccinations before I visit chile?


Who needs a Visa to enter Chile?

Afghanistan | Algeria | Australia | Bhutan | Brunei | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cameroon | Central African Republic | Chad | China | Republic of the Congo | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Côte d'Ivoire | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Ghana | Guinea | Iraq | Kiribati | North Korea | Kuwait | Liberia | Libya | Mali | Nauru | Niger | Nigeria | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Sierra Leone | South Sudan | Sudan | Syria | Tonga | Turkmenistan | Venezuela | Yemen