Via Tac -Bilhetes e reservas online

4.8(6 avaliações)


A viajar com

Via Tac

  • The journey was great, everything was exactly on time! The drive was very smooth! My only comments would be that the email sent a location and it takes you to somewhere incorrect for the bus stop so it was confusing and I had to ask people for help as the directions didn't help that were given when booking (the bus stop is just outside Bariloche airport, across the crossing and down the steps before the car park). Also the timetable on the bus stop was different to the time I booked so that was also a little confusing and I was worried I was at the wrong place but asked the other people at the bus stop so it was all ok - just could have been a bit clearer on those two points! Great service overall though! Thanks! I'll be booking again!

  • Service once on board it was good. However, the cellphone connector at least on our seats were not working and being a long ride we had no service. The worse was reaching the bus@ the directions on site none existented. I almost lost my ride.

  • 座椅宽大舒适,可以躺平

  • Comfy seats, phone charging on the bus, and the process was efficient from start to finish

  • Todo bien

  • El viaje fue seguro, el chófer fue profesional y el asistente amable y respetuoso.

Rotas populares de Via Tac

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  • 51Cities
  • 254Rotas

As avaliações dos nossos viajantes sobre a viagem com a Via Tac


Baseado em 6 avaliações de utilizadores Bookaway que viajaram com Via Tac

Lydia S.

Lourdes S.


Helen C.

Antje D.

As estações mais populares do Via Tac

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Qual o preço de uma viagem de autocarro a partir de Buenos Aires para Mendoza?

O preço de uma viagem de bus de ida e volta para um adulto para Mendoza com partida em Buenos Aires é cerca de US$69

O Via Tac tem sanitários a bordo?

Sim, p Via Tac tem sanitários a bordo!

O Via Tac disponibiliza Wi-Fi?

A maioria dos transportes do Via Tac têm Wi-Fi a bordo. Recomendamos que contacte o Via Tac diretamente para saber se o seu transporte é um dos que têm Wi-Fi a bordo.

Preciso de imprimir os meus bilhetes, ou o Via Tac dispõe de bilhetes eletrónicos?

O Via Tac dispõe de bilhetes eletrónicos, por isso não precisa de imprimir os seus bilhetes.

O Via Tac opera em que cidades?

O Via Tac operates in Trelew, Puerto Madryn, Rosário, Buenos Aires, Salta, Jujuy, Mar del Plata, San Miguel de Tucumã, Villa La Angostura, Bariloche, San Juan, Mendoza, La Rioja, El Bolsón, Esquel, Córdoba, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Termas de Rio Hondo, Santiago del Estero, Posadas, Corrientes, Rafaela, Metan, Resistência, Chaco, Las Grutas, Neuquén, Bahia Branca, Viedma, La Falda, Villa Carlos Paz, General Guemes, Villa Maria, Charata, Comodoro Rivadavia, Rio Gallegos, Pinamar, Buenos Aires, Villa Mercedes, Puerto Iguaçu, Presidência Roque Sáenz Peña, San Nicolás, Puerto Montt, Caucete, Formosa, San Salvador de Jujuy, San Luis, Puerto Varas, Quimili, Caleta Olivia, Santa Fe, Osorno e Gualeguaychu