Africa Raha -Tickets and online bookings

Africa Raha is based in Tanzania and provides shared bus services from Mwanza to Bukoba.

Official address: 255 Sokoine Drive

Phone 1: +254718370639

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Africa Raha

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Your questions, Our answers

How much does a bus ride cost from Bukoba to Mwanza?

The cost of a bus ride for a roundtrip adult ticket to Mwanza leaving from Bukoba is around US$19

Do Africa Raha have toilets on board?

Africa Raha do have toilets on board!

Is there Wi-Fi on Africa Raha?

You can breathe a breath of fresh air… Africa Raha DOES have Wi-Fi on board their rides

Do I need to print my ticket or does Africa Raha offer e-tickets?

Africa Raha has e-tickets so you don’t need to print your tickets.

Which cities does Africa Raha operate in?

Africa Raha operates in Bukoba and Mwanza

What is Africa Raha’s contact information?

Phone: +254718370639

Where is the Africa Raha office?

Africa Raha’s office is located at 255 Sokoine Drive