Очаровательный вид из центральной станции Chile

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Chile с одного взгляда

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Not only is Chile's history diverse in terms of events, Chileans come from all sorts of backgrounds. The natural landscape serves as a perfect reflection of the differences. This long and thin country sits next to the South Pacific Ocean, cradled next to Argentina and Bolivia. The most northern portion of this country holds the driest desert in the world, and the most southern part of Chile holds a cold, mountaneous range. Exploring from end to end is highly recommended but may take some time, as the terrain varies so much. Chileans are proud not only of their country's history, or the gastronomy, they are also prideful of the people Chile has made famous. This country has produced tens of poets, especially those who have won Nobel prizes, like the famous Pablo Neruda. He once wrote, "My town, is it true that in spring, / My name rings in your ears / And you recognize me / As if I were a river / That passed by your door?"
Разговорный язык
Стоимость среднего билета на транспорт

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Какие праздники отмечаются в Chile?

Вот праздники, отмечаемые в Chile:

  • День всех святых '
  • Битва при Икике
  • рождество
  • день Колумба
  • День славы армии
  • Праздник Успения Пресвятой Богородицы
  • Праздник Святых Петра и Павла
  • Праздник Непорочного зачатия
  • Хорошая пятница
  • Страстная суббота
  • День независимости
  • День труда
  • Национальный день евангелической и протестантской церквей
  • Новый год ' s
  • Праздник Богоматери на горе Кармель