Een charmant uitzicht vanuit centraal Tanzania

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Tanzania in één oogopslag

Internationaal netnummer
Goed om te weten
Africa is a huge continent, with some of the most breath taking and diverse scenery which the world can offer. Tanzania sits on the eastern coast, with it's capital city of Dar es Salaam sitting next to the Indian Ocean. Dar es Salaam is projected to grow rapidly in the coming years and turn into a megacity, which is a stark contrast to the nature in Tanzania. Mount Kilimanjara is here, so hopefully many of those traveling are looking to cross a point off of their bucket lists. The term "safari" can acurrately describe the possible experiences in Tanzania, with endless fields of grass which are spotted with mysterious looking baobab trees. Between the baobab, you may even spot animals like wildebeest, zebras and giraffes. Many of the most wondrous, African animals are native to this country. If ecotourism is what you're looking for in Africa, make sure to do extensive research about the sustainability of your choices. It's important to know whether any people or animals are exploited in the process, and to go for excursions which are morally sound.
Gesproken taal
Swahili, English
Gemiddelde kosten vervoersbewijs
US$ 33.4

Jouw vragen, Onze antwoorden

Welke feestdagen worden gevierd in Tanzania?

Dit zijn de feestdagen die worden gevierd in Tanzania:

  • Tweede kerstdag
  • Kerstmis-
  • Tweede Paasdag
  • Suikerfeest
  • Goede Vrijdag
  • Karume-dag
  • Dag van de Arbeid
  • Mawlid
  • Nane Nane Day
  • Nieuwjaar ' s
  • Nyerere-dag
  • Revolution Day
  • Saba Saba-dag
  • Onafhankelijkheidsdag Tanzania
  • Dag van de Unie